No cap, no control!

No cap, no control!

May 26, 2024

A cap on immigration is the only answer to the chaos at our borders

In advance of migration figures due on 23rd May, Migration Watch has issued a call for the government to slash net migration to less than 100,000 a year. The absence of any cap whatsoever in recent years allowed the net inflow to reach almost 750,000 in 2022.

Key points are as follows:

  • Net migration for calendar 2022 was 745,000 despite repeated promises from Conservative governments to reduce the numbers.
  • ONS projections show a UK population increase of 6.6 million by 2036 of which 6.1 million (92%) will be due to immigration.
  • Fifteen new Birminghams would be needed to accommodate population growth should uncapped net migration continue at its current levels.
  • A child born today to an indigenous British couple would be in a minority in the country of his or her parents by the time they reached their forties.
  • Surveys have found that 80% of the public want net migration below 100,000 a year.

Commenting, Migration Watch UK Chairman Alp Mehmet said:

We have seen the immense damage caused by decades of uncapped migration under successive governments. Conservative ministers abandoned the Coalition immigration cap and, as a result, totally lost control of our borders. Our country is already developing serious social strains. The only way forward is now to introduce a cap. We must drive net migration below 100,000 a year. Our message is clear: no cap, no control.

Read the paper here

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